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Frame 12: Rochester Melee’s Largest Event Yet (Photo Gallery)

Frame 12 4 29 2023 011

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Frame 12 was largest Upstate New York regional tournament in years – and the largest Melee event to ever take place in Rochester, taking that title away from Frame’s previous iteration.

It was hot and cramped at Irondequoit’s Trinity Communion Church, which only served to bring an intensity and closeness to each match played by the more than 100 competitors in Melee, 64 and Project+.

While this event only consisted of those three games, another regional level event for Ultimate was happening just an hour and a half away in Syracuse that same day.

That focus though was a driving force as top Melee players came to seriously play from nearly every active scene in the region while the die-hards of 64 put on their own show.

Without Ontario reps carpooling like last time, the Melee top 8 was all Upstate with no single part of the region able to completely dominate.

In the end three Zeldas* stood on top of the Melee singles bracket, JPatch retained their doubles crown, TheManaLord returned to prominence in a marathon in Project+ finals vs Agent, and Robert made his trip from MDVA a victorious one.

* Jmook and Zanya did transform into Zelda, at least for a bit

Frame 12 Melee Graphic by HitchHikr
Frame 12 Graphic PNG
Frame 12 64 Graphic by Bobakanoosh

Thanks to Silo, Spiritor, Higgins and all those that helped out for such a great event!

An additional shoutout to ArStar, Scrimblo and all else that developed and produced the stream because it looked great throughout!

Photo Gallery & VODs

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Videos from Jmook vs. Zanya, Agent vs. TheManaLord:

Frame 12 4-29-2023 115
Frame 12 4-29-2023 114
Frame 12 4-29-2023 113
IMG 6306
Group photo following Melee top 8

Apologies for anyone missed in the photos! The direct link to the Flickr album can be found here.

Stream VODs from Melee singles and Doubles can be found on the Rochester NY Smash YouTube channel now!

The full stream can also be viewed on the RochesterSmash Twitch channel along with clips from the event!

64 tournament VODs can be found on Bobakanoosh’s YouTube channel later this week

Some Highlights

  • TheManaLord and Agent, after fighting a nine-game grand finals in Project+ right before with Mana taking it home with his Meta Knight, played immediately again in Melee losers semi-finals, which also went to a nail biting game 5 set that Mana won. They played in sets with each other for about an hour straight.
    • Mana’s two stock comeback at kill % against Agent during Game 4 of their Melee set was in particular nuts
  • Jank, after work responsibilities gave him little time to sleep and prepare beforehand, went Kirby. Qualifying for the amatuer bracket, he then proceeded to destroy all of the 0-2 and 1-2ers with the arguably worst character in the game before DQing at the last second before Grand Finals due to work obligations. ZeeBee became the winner of the amateur’s bracket and took home a pack of Short Hops IPA from the Lehigh Valley.
  • Spades’ run, with the RPI Pikachu going on a tear of beating CeeLew, TheManaLord and Patches on his route to a 5th place finish.
  • Neither rvn or Robert lost a game in the entire 64 top 16 bracket war path until meeting each other save for one game Wolf took from rvn, then the two went through three back and forth sets in winners and grand finals. Robert after a long fight managed the reset and victory after being sent to losers by rvn earlier.
  • The team of Legion and AprilS2E’s doubles run, getting 2nd over a lot of heavy hitting teams and being the only ones to take a game from Jmook and Patches.
  • djang0 commentary keeping the hype up throughout the event
  • The “Press down B” moment
  • Jmook’s 4 Needle-Turn-Arounds for some reason


Melee Singles Top 16 Bracket

Melee Twitch VOD

Melee Singles Top 8 (91 Entrants)PlayerCharacter
1stFLY Jmook (Binghamton)(Sheik)
2ndZanya (Buffalo)(Sheik)
3rdTheManaLord (Syracuse)(Zelda)
4thC2F Agent (Albany)(Fox)
5thSpades (Albany)(Pikachu)
5thAsylum (Buffalo)(Fox)(Marth)(Captain Falcon)
7thCeeLew (Rochester)(Fox)(Falco)
7thayeGiohh (Rochester/Buffalo)(Falco)
image 1
TheManaLord, Jmook & Zanya

Melee Doubles Bracket

Melee Doubles Top 4 (29 Teams)Players
1stJmook / Patches
2ndLegion / AprilS2E
3rdWonder / Zanya
4thTheManaLord / MonkHB

64 Singles Top 16 Bracket

64 Singles Top 8 (35 Entrants)Player

IMG 6340
waxy:joe, rvn, & Robert

64 Doubles Top 16 Bracket

64 Doubles Top 4 (13 Teams)Players
1strvn / Tangerine
2ndWaxy:Joe / epad10
3rdSled / etab
4thPapamark / Raychu

Project+ Singles Bracket

Project+ Singles Top 4 (21 Entrants)Players
2ndC2F Agent

And that’s all I’ve got for this one!

Wishing everyone who can make it to some big events over the next few months a fun summer of Smash

Email jayrbradley10@gmail.com or message HitchHikr#5860 on Discord if you have any article pitches or feedback for the site. We are also seeking new admins! Apply via the homepage.

If you like what you see, please support the site’s upkeep and continued development here!